Kenya Wildlife Safari Tour | Mount Kenya Trekking/Hiking/Climbing Tour Operator - KENYA NATURAL TOURS CO LTD
The Kilimanjaro climb cost
Choose 7 days to save 10% with a discount on the most affordable Kilimanjaro climb cost, which is $1800 to $4500 per climber. It starts at 7:45 am from Moshi and 8:30 am from Arusha. The Kilimanjaro climb cost varies due to several factors, such as the number of days, route chosen, level of service and accommodation, tour operator quality, group size, and additional services included in the packages.

The following are the costs of the Kilimanjaro climb, depending on the package.

Standard hiking ranges from $1000 to $2,000
Basic accommodations are provided.
 You'll have experienced guides, but the staff-to-client ratio may be lower.
Simple meals often consist of local dishes and basic provisions.
The success rate may not provide as much time for acclimatization, and the lower price can sometimes mean fewer experienced guides and resources.

The mid-range ranges from $2,000 to $3000.
This package provides more comfortable accommodations in tents with better amenities.
You'll have experienced and knowledgeable guides, often with a more favorable staff-to-client ratio.
You will have a wider range of meals, including international cuisine and dietary accommodations.
It offers better success rates compared to budget options. They often include more acclimatization days and experienced guides, enhancing climbers' chances of reaching the summit safely.

Luxury packages range from $3000 to $4000.
This package provides upscale accommodations at lodges or private tented camps with premium amenities and services.
Your guides will be highly experienced and attentive, ensuring a personalized and safe experience.
You will have gourmet dining with a variety of choices and often customized menus, along with premium beverages.
This packages prioritize climber comfort, acclimatization, and experienced staff, increasing the likelihood of a successful summit.

Private packages range from $4000 to $4700.
This packages offer a completely exclusive experience tailored.
