BURIGI CHATO SAFARIS CO LTD-Tanzania Serengeti Safari | Kilimanjaro Hiking | Zanzibar Vacations
Tanzania, United Republic of, Moshi
+255 767 587 464 burigichatosafaris@gmail.com
2 DAYS TANZANIA SAFARI TOUR TO TARANGIRE & LAKE MANYARA - From Elephants to Flamingos 2 Days Exploring Tarangire and Lake Manyara
Experience the adventure of a 2-day Tanzania Safari Tour to Tarangire and Lake Manyara. Explore the rich wildlife, breathtaking landscapes, and immersive cultural experiences in this unforgettable journey.
Welcome to the ultimate 2-day Tanzania Safari Tour to Tarangire and Lake Manyara If you're looking for an incredible adventure that combines wildlife exploration, stunning landscapes, and cultural encounters, you've come to the right place.
Our adventure begins in the heart of Tarangire , a hidden gem in Tanzania's northern circuit. The park is known for its dramatic baobab trees, vast savannahs, and the Tarangire River, which attracts a diverse range of wildlife, including elephants, lions, leopards, and countless bird species.

During your 2-day safari, you'll have the opportunity to witness the spectacular wildlife of Tarangire up close. Be prepared to capture the moment as herds of elephants gather near the riverbanks, and giraffes gracefully roam the open plains.

Our journey continues to Lake Manyara, famous for its unique combination of biodiversity and stunning landscapes. As we venture deeper into the park, you'll encounter the alkaline lake itself, which is a magnet for flamingos and other waterfowl.
Lake Manyara is also home to tree-climbing lions, an extraordinary sight you won't want to miss. As you explore the diverse ecosystems, you'll be amazed by the variety of wildlife, from zebras and hippos to baboons and buffalo.

Is this safari suitable for families with children?
Absolutely. This 2-day Tanzania Safari Tour is suitable for families with children. It's an educational and thrilling experience for all ages.
The price for the 2-day Tanzania Safari Tour ranges between $800 to $1000
How can I book this incredible 2-day Tanzania Safari Tour?
You can visit our official website at https://www.burigichatosafaris.com/ Feel free to email us at burigichatosafaris@gmail.com or You can also reach out to us on WhatsApp at +255767587464.
